A City Story

by Charissa Pereira

if this city was a story 

such a dark one it would be 

full of broken china shattered 

hope deferred each time-you see,

it’s foundation is cold rock alone

sunk in sewage, set apart 

apathetic to this offering of-

my tender, beating heart. 

I’ve been swept away with sunsets,

brooding moons, dark river sights 

my eyes met yours across the room

packed with loneliness, that night. 

you held my gaze and offered 

a soft hand, inviting me 

to dance alone, your skin so close

yet only visible to me 

your siren song of cultured art  

has veiled my bridal eyes 

elusive groom i beg, please show your face 

‘don’t love him darling’, spoke the wise 

so here i stand, my heart in hand 

blood dripping in these streets 

the ravens cry, the sky screams back, 

“i never loved you, you’re too weak.”

my tears turn gray, my hands fall cold

as rain moans from above

if this city was a story 

it would not be one of love.