Five Days To Nowhere

by Corinne Caraway

You know I like my words, 

so here’s some just for you. 

Somehow, in the last five days, 

you have reminded me of 

good things long forgotten about. 

Things I was worried, deep down, 

I would never feel or find again. 

Yet as I sit here knowing full well 

that these things exist between 

you and me with no place to go, 

I can’t be made bitter by you. 

I would much rather live in this awareness, 

in the already fading glow of our existence, 

than to have carried on never knowing 

the exact shade of blue in your eyes, 

or the sheer joy of being 

the one making you laugh. 

Of all the words you whisper spoke,

my favorite remains unequivocal. 

An underutilized adverb, meant to 

describe something that has been 

done in a way that leaves no doubt. 

Somehow, in the last five days, 

you cared for me in a way 

that leaves no doubt.

I can’t help but be thankful

to know what that feels like. 

I can’t help but be thankful for you.  

I do hope, if anything, that you too 

have been reminded of how it feels 

to find so much of yourself

inside someone else; 

even if it ends.